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Enterprise Europe Network: Helping SMEs grow internationally

Helping companies innovate and grow internationally
Peter, CEO of Odin Vision with specialist, Diana who's expanding internationally.

Enterprise Europe Network was launched by the European Commission in 2008 and it is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized (SMEs) with international ambitions. It helps businesses across more than 65 countries worldwide to innovate and grow on an international scale.

EEN includes 600 member organisations and brings together over 3,000 business innovation specialists. Innovate UK EDGE has been a longstanding member and its new membership status will be confirmed soon.

Member organisations include:

  • Innovation support organisations
  • Universities and research institutes
  • Technology organisations
  • Regional development organisations
  • Chambers of commerce and industry 

For a number of years, Innovate UK EDGE has built on the capacity and capability of Enterprise Europe Network experts to understand the local business environment in which they are operating and offer a targeted and tailored service to SMEs to access:

  • International partnerships – expertise, contacts and events to connect companies with international partners (service presently suspended until our partnership status is confirmed by EEN)
  • Advice for international growth – expert advice for growth and expansion into international markets (official referrals to our EEN network colleagues presently suspended until our partnership status is confirmed by EEN, but we still have a number of options to provide the requisite support with your international expansion)

The Network includes expert groups covering key economic sectors from healthcare to agri-food and from intelligent energy to fashion and textiles.

Find out more about Enterprise Europe Network.

What our clients say about us

Peter Mountney of Odin Vision

Innovate UK EDGE helped me grow my innovation-led business so we can create a new era of AI-enabled healthcare

Peter Mountney Odin Vision

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